What does organic quality mean?

Babies who are not or only partially breastfed need a formula based on the breast milk assimilation model. The baby's organism is still very sensitive, which is why the composition of the formula must be clearly regulated by law. Cow's milk is often used as a base because it is an essential source of calcium and protein.

For HiPP, it is important that our products are as natural as possible, which is why the base of our milk formulas only use strictly controlled organic milk.

More than 50 years of experience

HiPP's organic formulas have been developed for over 50 years by specialists in infant formulas, based on the most up-to-date and innovative scientific knowledge. By using organic ingredients, we guarantee our commitment to comply above and beyond the European Union's legal requirements for baby milk foods.

Product recommended by Greenpeace

Greenpeace confirms it as an organic product. In its consumer recommendation section, it defines HiPP's organic formulas as the only “formula for children - GMO-free" and widely available on the market.

The cultivation of genetically modified plants (also for fodder) is clearly prohibited in accordance with the EU Organic Farming Regulation. HiPP is also convinced that organic cultivation is the best and does not agree with genetic engineering policies. Our years of experience in processing organic products guarantee the best quality. More than 600 quality controls on each production batch mean the highest safety for your baby.

The Organic HiPP seal 

The HiPP Organic Seal represents the organic quality that Claus HiPP personally guarantees. It stands for the highest quality and exceeds the requirements and regulations of organic agriculture in the European Union, with regard to organic cultivation, breeding of appropriate animals for its species or the non-use of genetic engineering; we at HiPP are more stringent when it comes to baby food. All our raw materials are repeatedly tested and selected considerably above the legal requirements for the production of milk formulas. Our HiPP organic logo guarantees the most extensive analytical controls as well as the highest quality standards. HiPP is stricter and more accurate than the legal regulations require.