How do I get my baby used to weaning food?

Depending on the individual state of development of your baby, milk or formula will no longer be sufficient from 6 months onward. Nutritional experts now recommend extending the menu by adding vegetable, potato and meat dishes. Meat is not only rich in protein. It is also the best supplier of natural iron.


First weaning food week after the 4th to 6th month

Breakfast Breastfeeding or HiPP ORGANIC COMBIOTIC® Milk Formula  
Later in the morning Breastfeeding or HiPP ORGANIC COMBIOTIC® Milk Formula  
Lunchtime Vegetables followed by Breastfeeding or HiPP ORGANIC COMBIOTIC® Milk Formula  
Afternoon Breastfeeding or HiPP ORGANIC COMBIOTIC® Milk Formula  
Evening Breastfeeding or HiPP ORGANIC COMBIOTIC® Milk Formula  
If required Baby water, unsweetened tea, organic tea & juicie, diluted juices  

*Important advice: breastfeeding is best for your baby. Ask your midwife or pediatrician for advice if you would like to use an infant formula.

Start with weaning food after the 6th month

  • At lunchtime before the bottle, start with 4 to 6 spoonfuls of Vegetables
  • After the vegetables, give your baby the usual milk (breast milk or HiPP Milk Formula) until he/she is full.
  • Increase the amount of vegetables by a few spoonfuls every day.
  • If your baby does not accept the vegetables immediately: just be patient. Try repeatedly for several days.
  • Use a flat plastic spoon with rounded edges.

From the second weaning food week

  • Continue with vegetables

What's next?

  • After your baby has become familiar with vegetables, you can also use meals with meat, for example: Carrots with Potatoes and Organic Beef, or Parsnips with Potatoes and Organic Turkey.
  • One meal with meat is important to give your child enough iron.
  • As soon as your little one eats an entire menu jar (190 g), leave out the breast milk/HiPP Milk Formula at lunchtime.
  • Some spoonfuls of Fruit & Cereal as a dessert can be added. The vitamin C in the fruit promotes the absorption of iron.
  • As the next step, breastfeeding/bottle feeding in the evening can be replaced by milk and cereals. These are available as HiPP Good Night cereals without added sugar in a jar or powder to mix as desired.
  • As the 3rd weaning meal, a cereal and fruit cereal (e.g. HiPP Fruit & Cereal) is fed in the afternoons instead of a milk meal.

*If you want to give follow-on formula from a bottle before the end of the 6th month, ask your pediatrician for advice.

Tip: the more solid food your baby gets, the more important the drinking issue becomes. Therefore, offer your baby liquid, but do not force them to drink.

Important: never leave the drinking bottle with your baby to suck on for a longer period of time. If your baby drinks just a little in the beginning, do not worry. As long as the baby’s stool is soft and the diapers are wet and heavy, your baby is getting enough liquid.