Transporting baby food on a journey

How can I transport baby food in the car?

Temperatures in the trunk can rise up to and beyond 40°C. Therefore, you need to think ahead:

Dry products such as milk formula, cereal paps in powder form and jars of fruit-based foods are quite robust. These products can be transported in the trunk without any problems.

Vegetables and products containing meat (menus, meat preparations), however, might go bad if they are exposed to temperatures above 40°C for a longer period of time. Therefore, we recommend keeping temperature in mind for keeping these products safe. If possible, store them somewhere inside the passenger compartment. Ventilation and air-conditioning will keep temperatures lower.

Transport in the trunk: pre-cool the jars in the fridge before you start your trip, then put them in a refrigerated transport container (bag, box). First, jars have to be stored carefully to prevent breakage.

Ideally you should keep the entire tray, still packaged in plastic film. All the products you need during the drive should be ready to hand inside the car.

Transport on the plane

Baby food can be taken along in accompanying luggage in shockproof cases resistant to pressure (e.g. hard-top cases). The jars should be packed carefully to prevent breakage. Also put them in plastic bags to protect the rest of the suitcase’s contents. HiPP Paps in plastic pots are well suited for transport.

However, we recommend taking food for the first 2 days in your hand luggage, just in case your other luggage arrives late. This way you are still sure to have all the food your baby needs. Find out from the respective airline and airport what baby food you are allowed to carry with you in hand luggage well before departure.

Storage of baby food at the holiday resort

On holiday, jars should be stored under 30°C. Check before using the jars that the packaging is undamaged. If a jar or pot is not properly sealed anymore, they are not suitable for consumption.

With jars the “lid test” is helpful: the middle of the lid should be slightly concave and should not give to pressure. A jar where the lid is pushed outwards should not be used, for safety’s sake. In addition, when first opened, a clear click should be heard.

With pots and bowls the “press test” is helpful: hold the pot or bowl with the foil down and press the sides together. If the product runs out, the contents should not be used. On holiday, instant products such as HiPP milk formula or paps should be stored in a dry place away from sunlight. If it is very hot, it is recommended that unopened dry food be kept in a fridge if possible. Once opened, please do not keep in the fridge anymore. The powder can become moist and spoil. Store it in a dry place and use as quickly as possible. It is possible to also store it outside of the fridge. With probiotic formula in very high temperatures it can happen that the probiotic lactic acid cultures may break down, which, however, does not pose a health risk.

Have a safe trip and enjoy your holiday!