Eating for two?

During pregnancy, the body undergoes many changes

During the 40 weeks of gestation, the body has great challenges: The baby is fed exclusively through the umbilical cord with high nutritional components, so the body is in an exceptional state and working at full speed. A healthy diet is as important as preventive health check-ups and outdoor exercise

Getting enough nutrients is important

The baby gets everything it needs from the mother's bloodstream and, if necessary, draws on mom's reserves. Folic acid, iodine, iron and the like promote physical and mental development. If the reserves are sufficient, the baby can develop optimally and the mother remains healthy. Mother and baby benefit equally from good nutritional status. It should be noted that a balanced diet and a sufficient supply of nutrients should also be ensured during the breastfeeding stage

The old "eat for two" rule is a myth

For the first three months, a pregnant woman does not need extra energy. Only from the fourth month onwards she may require approximately 250 kcal more per day. This corresponds to an extra portion of cereal or a sandwich, for example.

So how can a "proper" diet be achieved? The answer is that it depends on the ingredients of the food. This means that the food should provide as many vitamins and minerals as possible, and still contain as few calories as possible. It is not quantity, but quality that is required. In this context, experts speak of a high variety of nutrients: fresh fruits, vegetables, salads, whole-grain products, low-fat dairy products, wild (non-farm) fish for the supply of omega-3 fatty acids and, occasionally, low-fat meat - this is the ideal diet during pregnancy. It is also important to drink plenty of water.

Even if you manage to maintain a healthy diet, it is recommended that you constantly vary the nutritional groups. Especially folic acid, iodine, long chain omega-3 DHA. That's why nutrition experts recommend taking a food supplement during pregnancy and breastfeeding that is exactly right for a woman's needs. Please discuss this with your gynecologist. This means that the diet should provide as many vitamins and minerals as possible with a lower calorie content.

Less and more often

You don't need to eat more than usual, you need to eat better. Thus, it is recommended that meals be distributed appropriately throughout the day:

    • a complete breakfast
    • a midday meal
    • in the afternoon a light snack
    • Add one or two snacks between meals such as fresh fruit or a granola bar with no added sugar

    Recommendation for various food groups

      Fruits Vegetables Wholemeal products Meat Fish Dairy products Vegetable fats Folic Acid  
    Vitamins B  
    Vitamin C