Healthy teeth from the beginning

After a “tooth-friendly” diet with little sugar and acids, correct dental care is the second pillar of dental health. The first little teeth should stay healthy and nice for as long as possible, because healthy milk teeth are very important for the health of the adult second teeth that follow. Which is why you can’t start early enough with dental hygiene. We have put together some important tips here, but you should also ask your dentist.

HiPP Tip 1 – Cleaning of little teeth

As soon as the first teeth begin to show, you should start with teeth cleaning. In the beginning a moist cotton bud rubbed over the teeth is sufficient. When more teeth come through, they can be cleaned once or twice a day with an infant toothbrush.

There is no need to use toothpaste for the first few teeth. It is better to do without, because your little darling will not be able to spit it out after cleaning. Talk to your pediatrician about the use of toothpaste. S/he will be able to inform you about the right time for and choice of toothpaste.

Please also discuss the use of fluoride for stronger teeth with your pediatrician, s/he will best know what your child needs.

HiPP Tip 2 – Protection of little teeth

Did you know you can give your child tooth decay? If you lick your baby’s spoon or dummy, the bacteria from your mouth can be easily transferred to your baby. Therefore, always use a fresh spoon or dummy for your darling.

HiPP Tip 3 – Avoid constant sucking

Every drink can cause damage to teeth (tooth decay) if frequently or constantly sucked from a bottle – even water.


  • Make sure your child drinks in one go – until the thirst is quenched.
  • Don’t give the baby the bottle to suck constantly, as a pacifier or as an aid to sleep.
  • Hold the bottle yourself and don’t give it to the baby to hold.
  • Get the baby used to drinking out of a cup from the 8th month.

HiPP Tip 4 – Don’t “snack” all the time

Don’t offer your child something to eat and drink around the clock. Especially at night the teeth should be left in peace because between meals the saliva repairs the dental enamel. This process is known as “remineralization” – dissolved minerals are re-installed. However, food carries saliva away with it and then it cannot repair the teeth. So only give food and drinks at set meal times and avoid “snacking” and meals at night.