Vitamin D

Vitamin D is the only vitamin that our body can produce on its own, with the help of sunlight on the skin. It is also known as the sunshine vitamin. Approx. 80 - 90 % of vitamin D is produced in the skin. The rest is absorbed from food. Vitamin D is important for many body functions, e.g. it contributes to the normal development of bones and teeth by controlling the incorporation of calcium into the bones (bone mineralisation). Therefore, vitamin D is especially important during growth phases. In childhood, a vitamin D deficiency leads to bone mineralisation and impaired rickets. In addition, a vitamin D deficiency is associated with an increased susceptibility to infection.

Supplementation of vitamin D intake is recommended to ensure an adequate supply. This applies to all babies, regardless of whether they are breastfed or bottle-fed. Nutrition experts recommend additional vitamin D until the beginning of the baby's second summer, which, depending on the date of birth, is the first 12-18 months.